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Practitioner - Physician Managed Weight Management Program Potential Revenue Estimator
Number of Patient per Practitioner per Day
Percentage of UnCraveRx Subscribers
per Week (%)
1 Time Start up Cost of with 3 Kits for Patients
Cost per Kit for a Patient
Average Patient Reimbursement
(3 visits consultation, Procedure & Follow up) ($)
Number of Patients per week Subscribed
Net Profit per Patient
Number of Kits purchased per Month
Total 1 time Cost without 3 Kits
Total Cost of Kits per month
Practice Net Monthly Potential Revenue
Total Number of Months for ROI of 1st Month Starter without 3 kits (Months for ROI)
Practice Net Annual Potential Revenue
Total Number of Patients for ROI of 1st Month Starter without 3 kits (Patients for ROI)
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