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HHC Agency Potential Revenue Estimates with the VasoCARE DVT Prevention Program
Agency related information
Product related information
What is the number of surgeons within 50 miles of your Home Healthcare Agency.
Please provide an estimate.
Average number of weeks the device is worn by patients or until fully ambulatory.
Please provide an estimate.
Estimated average per patient post surgical reimbursement from CMS for a 30-day period.
Please provide an estimate.
Cost of VascuEase Portable DVT Device with 2 leg sleeves
Current % of surgeons making post surgical referrals to your Home Healthcare Agency.
Please provide an estimate.
Cost of VascuEase Portable DVT Device without single use patient leg sleeves
Number of surgeons your agency gets referrals
(# surgeons * % HHC work with)
Average # of uses per device over 6 months.
This is an estimate for the warranty period.
Average number of surgeries per surgeon per month. A
conservative estimated number.
Please provide an estimate.
Cost per use of the VascuEase device
(cost without sleeves / # of uses)
Current percentage of post surgical patients referred to your agency per surgeon.
Please provide an estimate.
Cost of 2 replacement leg sleeves
Calculated number of patients referred to your agency per month by the surgeons for post surgical care.
Cost per patient
(cost of 2 leg sleeves * cost per use of the device)
Total net revenue existing surgeon referrals
Net reimbursement minus cost per patient
(average reimbursement - cost for device and 2 sleeves)
Impact of Potential Post Surgical Referral Revenue with the VasoCARE DVT Prevention Program
Estimated potential number of additional surgeons referring to your Agency.
Optionally enter your estimate.
Increased Referrals +
Projected # of surgeons your agency will get referrals for the VasoCARE DVT prevention program
Improved Outcomes +
Estimated % of additional post surgical referrals with the DVT prevention program.
Optionally enter your estimate.
Reduced Hospitalizations
Calculated number of patients referred to your agency per month by the surgeons for post surgical care.
Total new net revenue
Increase Revenue
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