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Practice Remote Patient Montoring Potential Revenue Estimator
Number of Patient Enrolled Patient
Conservative Revenue per Patient (Approximate)
CPT 99453 Initial Swetup 1 time Setup and Education
CPT 99454 Monitoring the daily vital recordings or Alerts
CPT 99457 20+ Minutes of Clinical Staff Time per Month
CPT 99458 20+ Minutes of Clinical Staff Time per Month
Practice Activities
- Recruit Patients
Net Practice Potential Revenue per Patient per Month
- Make Initial Appointment with iHealth
Net Practice Monthly Estimated Potential Revenue
- 10-20 Minuteas per Day Review Dashboard for Patients Alerts
Net Practice Annual Estimated Potential Revenue
iHealth Monthly per Patient Fee
iHealth Activities and Responsibilities - Tech Onboarding
iHeath Activiites and Responsibilties - Device(s) Cost
- Online Nutrition Counseling
- Call Center
- Monthly Care Team Meetings
- Registered Dietician(s)
- Billing and Collections Team
- Unified Care Platform
- RVH Customer Service Team
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