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Clinic GoKnee Program Revenue Estimator Calculator
Number of Patient with TKR per Month
Percent of GoKnee Programs Sold Monthly
SRP of GoKnee Device on Website
PCMS GoKnee Volume Discount Cost
Monthly Partnership Fee based on Volume
Partnership GoKnee Program Cost based on Volume
Clinic GoKnee Program Price to Patient
Profit / Patient with PCMS Volume Discount
Profit / Patient with Silver Partnership Discount
Profit / Patient with Gold Partnership Discount
Profit / Patient with Platinum Partnership Discount
Profit if using PCMS Volume Discounts / Month
Profit if using Partnership Silver Discounts / Month
Profit if using Partnership Gold Discounts / Month
Profit if using Partnership Platinum Discounts / Month
Annual PCMS Volume Discount Profit
Annual Silver Partnership Program Profit
Annual Gold Partnership Program Profit
Annual Platinum Partnership Program Profit
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